2 Week Tweak
Feel like your rhythm might be off a little? Maybe it is misaligned with your goals, too fast-paced or feeling stagnated, or maybe it is beating to the rhythm of frustration, suffering, disappointment or any other negative emotion. Well it is time to reset!!
Here is the 2 Week Tweak that I am creating for the second half of August 2022. The goal is to reset my subconscious mind and create a fresh and focused rhythm of positive energy.
Each day I will focus on a few simple (simple does not mean easy!) tasks while continually reflecting on how I feeling, what I am allowing my focus to be, and what I am attracting into my life.
Please join me to sample my perspective on healing and enjoy the benefits of this work I am so passionate about!
Here is that journey below:
2 Week Tweak
Reset the Rhythm of the
Subconscious Mind

Week 1 : Day 1
Goal 1: Evaluate and list resources in my life (check out worksheet linked to button below)
Goal 2: Minimum of 15 minutes of work on a new vision board
Goal 3: Thank 3 people in my life for something
Goal 4: Complete 20 minutes of exercise, I choose Yoga
This is the video I chose: Yoga with Bird, 20 Min Yoga to FEEL GOOD! (Beginner Friendly Yoga) https://youtu.be/chuR6NHXviU

Week 1: Day 2
Root Chakra Healing attention
This energetic area in all of us holds our energy for foundational thinking, all our inner beliefs, and is the roots of our thoughts and actions.
Goal #1 Vision board work ~ add symbols to represent positive and strong foundational thinking. Work on my board for at least 15 minutes
This Chakra houses energy for instincts and personal potential
Goal #2 I will listen to whatever calls me today and just do it.
Very interesting that I have a renovation project at my house and I felt very called to this today because it is rebuilding an old foundation! The work has intimidated me for many weeks but today I showed up and held value in honoring the progressive thinking of ~ focus on this task and the rest will follow. You probably are not rebuilding a foundation of your home but I image that you might hear a whisper inside about a project that has been lingering or might be inspired for a project idea. Listen to that whisper, make a plan (if that feels right) and allow the rest to follow.
This Chakra also creates the stability we rely on.
Goal #3 Journal for at least 15 minutes ~ focus on Gratitude for stability (journal page for guidance linked to the button below)
Goal #4 Thank at least 3 people for the stability they offer me and my family. Gratitude and Love grow big beautiful things!
Goal #5 Guided meditation. I love listening to this sound healing meditation and I will listen to this evening before bed: This Meditation will Raise Your Dominant Vibration PERMANENTLY https://youtu.be/KKrPqB59kg0

Week 1: Day 3
Out with the old ~ shaking up my patterns to bust up stagnation!
Goal #1: Committing to at least one area of the home and working for at least a half hour.
This morning I was hit with the urge to buckle down and work through some areas in my house to declutter. I started in the laundry room and next thing I know one of my kids wanted to work up in their bedroom so we hightailed it up there!
Goal #2: New routine ~ Garden time into completed task!
At least half of the produce that comes into the house today will be processed for storage or a meal right after it come in the house. This will help eliminate clutter in the fridge which often ends up as wasted food. This can be any daily chore you might encounter in your regular routine: laundry, clutter in the vehicle, blankets/pillows in the living room (fold /straighten them).
Goal #3: Continue work on the Vision Board, at least 15 minutes.
Focus on symbols of motivation and flow of energy
Goal #4: Revisting an old routine I used to love ~ AM and PM dedicated yoga time with the general overall goal of at least 20 minutes of mat time. I choose Yoga about flow and one about release. This is one of my favorite morning yoga routines: Get the juices flowing, Yoga with Adriene and this evening I enjoyed this Yoga with Bird, 20 Minute Restorative Yoga for Stress & Emotional Relief
Goal #5 Establish a new bedtime routine that eliminates screen time after 10:30pm!

Week 1 : Day 4
Sacral Chakra Healing attention
This is our second Chakra in this energetic system of the body. It houses the belief systems of our emotional needs, how we view relationships, and what defines our personal pleasure.
Goal #1 Staying focused on the Vision Board project! Gathering thoughts and symbols for the board to reflect the rhythm and mindset I want to have with the Sacral Chakra key points. Work at least 15 minutes on this today.
Goal #2 Journal time ~ I am very called to remember the best moments of relationships and journal about this today (even before I was setting goals for today).
Goal #3 Look back at the resources I put together in Day 1 will help me connect to an honest list of my emotional needs. Finding words for these in this safe space will help me find direction, I hope it does the same for you.
Goal #4 Enter in the might Ho'Oponopono Prayer!
So simple, so powerful, so healing.
I will be saying this prayer though out my day, several times. Here is the prayer and it is said while thinking of who or what you are having conflict with:
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.
Here is more information on this beautiful practice that is part of Huna Healing: Wikipedia explains Ho'Oponopono
Note: Issues with reproductive organs are often healed with attention to healing, cleansing, and balancing the root chakra. Please check out the End to Endo program and consider adding this to your journey

Week 1 : Day 5
The center is you
I believe in the power of "I" statements so I am going to rephrase that as part of my healing journey ~ The Center is Me
The ripples, the drop, the water, the whole
The symptoms, the energy, the baggage, the body
When I look around and there is chaos everywhere I need to then wonder what part of the picture is the chaos? The drop, the ripple, the water or the whole thing? The energetic answer is... nothing is the chaos. It is my own perception that creates the chaos. There are just ripples, and a drop and so on. There is just a lot of laundry not done, and dishes piling in the sink, pets rolling around and chasing... It is not chaos to 2 other people in the house or the pets involved! Just my perception defining what I notice.
Goal #1 What am I noticing ~ Vision is getting attention but not progress on the stuff stuck to it. Is this chaos, procrastination, perfectionism...? Tonight's work will be no minimum time but quantitative in different way. Stick 5 things on the board! Stop thinking and start doing
Goal #2 Continue the AM and PM yoga time. I love this and help me notice strength and commitment and Qi flow.
Goal#3 Journal time! Thinking about the places I struggle in life and spending focused time planning out how to bring my awesome energy moments into the not so awesome energy moments : )
Goal#4 Finding a new quote that inspires positivity in me.

Week 1: Day 6
Solar Plexus Chakra Healing attention
This is the most center of you as it gets, so let's focus on the concept of center and grow today's journey from that!
The Third Chakra is located at the lower tip of the chest bone. If you follow that bone down until there is soft tissue, your in Solar Plexus zone.
This houses the energy of our Personal Power ~ yeehaw!
Goal #1 Staying focused on the vision board. Since yesterday's goal of getting all this info I've gathered actually on the board it has really taken shape. Check out YouTube for a short video of my kitty Twigg helping to add some fun and love into the work!
So today's goal is to get all that I have gathered on the board today or toss it out. (Personal Power flex on the now or never energy)
Goal #2 Journaling ~ When folding happens from the center it creates 2 equal halves and it also can find the center point to know balance between the ends. More thinking with this in the journal page below
Goal #3 Personal power works to stimulate Spiritual Growth. I really want to commit to some flexing this all over my house to continue to declutter but a magical thing happened this morning. My website crashed ~ first time ever! and not the most convenient (ie THIS PROJECT!) 5 or 6 hours later IT person was able to click and change the correct things and just like that the issue was fixed (though site not up immediately... could have taken 48 hrs). This resulted in a lot of my day being redirected to fix issue and an amazing text conversation with my friend Beth. It decluttered my sole somehow and I am letting that new space be filled with light and love and tenderness. Decluttering DONE!
Goal #4 Chakra Balancing ~ I am just about to play this Chakra Balancing music to encourage Goal #3 and smooth out my energy from today. This is 30 minute to Unblock all 7 Chakras

Week 1: Day 7
On the 7th day, we rest
and we take time to notice
Goal #1 Rest
Extra time in bed in the morning, nap in the afternoon, a few minutes of a break each hour, laying in the sun at lunchtime, watching TV with my kids, head to bed early... I love to do all of these to find rest in my day. Today did not include all of them, but it was gentle and slow and started with the extra time in bed this morning ~ my favorite!
Goal #2 Reflect
When we rest we incorporate. This is the value of Savasana time
at the end of a yoga session. Resting, letting go, and noticing.
What is different?
How does this feel?
What is not in my life anymore?
What has come into my life on this journey?
These questions look fancier on the worksheet you can find below : )

Week 2: Day 1 8th Day of the Journey
Heart Chakra attention:
This Chakra is in the chest right where the Heart is located. This houses the energy we hold and grow for Devotion and Unconditional Love. I think it is interesting anytime we talk about ourself we point to this Chakra. Subconsciously we identify ourself by pointing to our heart/ Heart Chakra
Goal #1 Vision Board time again! 15 minutes on this tonight. Focus on how this identifies me. This work helps move the Vision Board into becoming a Vibration Board.
Goal #2 Unconditional Love... for self!
So important to have this treasure of Unconditional Love for ourself!! Journal time today reflects on this self-love experience. Worksheet link below.
Goal #3 Tapping time
The first point of a tapping routine is the Heart and Small Intestine points on the side of the hand. Tapping here we say something similar to ~ Even though I have all this..... (anxiety, back pain, technology struggle...), I love and I accept myself just the way I am. This goal sets aside time for some tapping today. I enjoy videos with Nick and Jessica Ortner as well as David Childerley's YouTube channel. Here is another resource and the video that I will be doing a couple times today: Julie Schiffman Tapping to Love and Accept Myself

Week 2: Day 2 9th Day of the Journey
Remember when...
Yesterday was the 3rd day I had focused on an intention in the morning and very soon after choosing this, another experience whooshed in and replaced my original plan with something else. Today is the 4th time ~ LOL! and I am just rolling with it.
This morning I received an email from a friend announcing dates for upcoming yoga/massage workshops and there was a write-up about Remembering. This overwhelmed me actually as I emotionally engaged in some remembering... and my plans shifted into the embrace of this!
My first thought was ~ Remembering my sense of freedom in my early 20s and how much that changed and closed and put pressure on me.
Goal #1 Vision Board ~ time to envision! 15 minutes thinking about what it feels like when what's on my board are happening. (This work helps move the Vision Board into becoming a Vibration Board, which is key to manifesting.)
Goal #2 Journaling about Remembering
Remembering times I want again and again and again as well as the other times that I am glad are past and will review to find wisdom.
Goal #3 Very long slow deep yoga experience to remember the relaxation of each pose and the nourishment it brings to rest into all the positions. This felt perfect for me: Gentle Yoga Full Body Stretch ( Yoga to Let Go )
Goal #4 Continue to listen to the opportunities that are arriving to learn and grow. I am offering gratitude & love for the awareness and responsiveness to these opportunities.
See you back here again tomorrow!!

Week 2: Day 3 10th Day of the Journey
Throat Chakra attention:
From the centermost area of the base of the torso to the shoulders there are 4 Chakra Centers in this large space. Above the shoulders, there are 3 Chakra Centers in this small space! We begin the journey above the shoulders with the Throat Chakra today. This 5th Chakra houses the energy we have to Speak Our Truth and our sense of security/ independence.
Thank goodness we have been working on our Vision Boards as this outlines what it is that we want in our life, now we have to make the script.
Goal #1 Watch the beautiful and inspiring Louis Hay present or discuss in some way her passion for mirror work and why this is so powerful. You can google it, borrow a book from your library or a friend or check out this video: You Can Heal Your Heart: Healing with Mirror Work
Goal #2 Speak your truth to yourself in the mirror with love and inspiration ~ like you're talking to your best friend about their dreams!! Use the Vision Board for ideas. If something new comes up make sure to add it to the board tonight.
Goal #3 Yoga to focus on releasing neck muscles. The more open/relaxed the neck is, the open/active/balanced/charged the Throat Chakra is. I will be doing this video today a few times:
Miracle NECK RELEASE - Gently Relieve Pain in 5 Minutes
Goal #4 Journaling about Speaking Your Truth. Do you have words for your truth? How does it feel to say them to yourself? How are you talking to others about your Truth? Your Truth is for you to live and find and grow. Mindfulness in aligning what you are living, finding, and growing is key when they all balance in the rhythm of Your Truth.

Week 2: Day 4 11th Day of the Journey
Noticing or finding a flow
In the last 10 days has there been something that was a heart opening experiences?
Has there been something that resonated with you as something key to take forward indefinitely?
Are you starting a new flow of thinking and doing?
I have been attached to the Remembering experience and the more I remember... the MORE I remember... and it has really gripped my attention. I love what it has unfolded inside me. I remember how much I love doing puzzles, how much I love "garden to table" experiences from the backyard that came about from my goal to process at least half of the veg that comes in the house right away. Remembering how much I love completeness and order. Also remembering the relaxation of walking my dog, which I have not done all summer! So much is flooding back and I committed today to go with that flow.
It feels positive and healing and lovely!
Goal #1 Do a lot of things that I love today. Notice them and talk about them to someone if that feels lovely.
Goal #2 Journaling about the remembering feels natural to me. I would imagine this might not have gripped everyone as it has gripped me so I think the best journal prompt would be going with the 3 questions listed at the top of todays entry.
Goal #3 Shoes off, sitting quietly, backyard time. Grounding is the official word for what ancient cultures did all day everyday, which is connect to the Earth with feet or body or hands. I talk about laying on the floor a lot and today I am going to lay in the yard so my whole body touches the Earth. Maybe I will Remember even more than I knew.
Goal #4 Restorative Healing session on myself. This would be the second one I will receive on this journey so far. It will be recorded but I will decide after if I will post a recording of this. : )

Week 2: Day 5 12th Day of the Journey
Brow Charka attention:
In a few words this energetic center empowers our Intuition, offers Clarity, and guides our Perception. When this area above and between our eyes is balanced and nourished we are able to flow into the experiences listed above with more confidence.
Goal #1 Touch the area slightly above the line of the eyebrows and in the center of the forehead. This activates and nourishes this Brow Chakra! I plan to do this several times throughout the day
Goal #2 Question my Perception! or at least remind myself that my experiences through my day are my own personal perceptions that are put together by my past experiences and filters of emotions. Others will have a different perspective! Find out what that is
Goal #3 Vision Board time again! What perspective is the story of my Vision Board? Is it telling the story from the winners circle, the crowd, or from the planning pages of hope? No wrong answers ~ Just noticing. You are changing so this Board might need to change as well to keep up with your growth.
Goal #4 Journaling time. What is your intuition telling you about your success? Your health? Other parts of your life? Do you have a easy or difficult time listing to your intuition? Is there an emotion that gets in the way?
Goal #5 Growing my intuition! Some great books that will help with this:
A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, By Eckhart Tolle.
The Four Agreements, A Toltec Wisdom Book, By Don Miguel Ruiz
The Power of Prayer, By Caroline Myss OR anything else by Caroline Myss
Here is an interview Oprah did with Caroline Myss for her Super Soul Sunday Series: Full Episode: “Intuition, Power and Grace” (Ep. 303) | SuperSoul Sunday | Oprah Winfrey Network

Week 2: Day 6 13th Day of the Journey
Find Your Community
It is so fun to have someone on the journey with you! Whether it is a physical journey and they can help with packing, planning, driving, or other things. Or if it is a metaphysical journey and that companion can offer support, focus, motivation, and celebration.
Goal #1 Notice ~Do you have a community? Is there a group gathered that you could join? Do you enjoy gathering groups and are you interested in starting your own group? This can be based on any of your current interests, hobbies or talents. Some ideas: recreational sports, wellness, fitness, hunting, gardening, farming, computer & tech, gaming, reading, theater, building, crafting, sewing, knitting, cooking, soap making, writing, parenting, preschooler kid connections, camping, dog walking, birding... I can go on and on!
Goal #2 Assess my Community. Where is your community? How easy is it to gather with them? How often can you/ do you gather with them? Are they on board with your goals or interests? Is it fun to spend time with them?
Goal #3 Celebrate my Community! Hurray ~ write the members a letter or send a small gift. Gather them for a fundraiser or a community volunteer effort. Have a picnic or pool party. Celebrate your community in a special way that feels fun for you.
Goal #4 Journaling time ~ there are a ton of questions with each goal for today. they will come together in a fancier way on a worksheet you can find using the link below in just a day or so!
Goal #5 Get back here tomorrow! There is only one more day to this 2 Week Tweak!!

Week 2: Day 7 14th Day of the Journey
Crown Chakra attention
The crown of the head houses this energy center that activates the sense of being and sense of presence.
Being versus Doing
This work in the last 2 weeks has offered ideas and experiences that invite the chance to reset inner thinking and take a deeper look at behavior. To highlight this effort and all that has brought you to today, this last lesson relooks at all of that and helps bring attention to this moment.
What are you doing right now?
How are you being with this moment?
Doing denotes activity.
Being is a calmly passive experience and holds a sense of allowing.
Which one is more full of trust, or faith, or love?
Which one might be more restorative that the other?
The journal for today or the thoughts to keep as I move through my day focus on the assessment of my actions/efforts. Am I doing something? Do I need to be doing? How can I be with this experience more? How can I be with my symptom more? How can I be with my health more? How can I notice too much being and not enough doing (because I love being in my head!)? How can I notice too much doing and missing out on being?
These questions can build and build and feel like it is the same thing over and over but the slight change in words and focus opens up the the separation of being and doing! Keep going with it or just be with it, but it is my hope that is fills your heart with a little extra light for your journey.
Here are some other programs that might support the next phase of your journey:
Free access to the 7-Day Journal
Thank you so much for being here ~ wishing you endless love & gratitude for your impending successes with your journeys!